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Falling of trees is of a great advantage to a lot of people because a lot of money was raised as a result of falling of trees.
added by 1001277811 156 days ago 1    0

I don't discouraged any body from cutting trees because that's why they are planted in the first place, but I am saying that when you cut one tree plant two.
added by Anonymous 592 days ago 4    0

Falling of trees is considered a great source of income but it's truly a menace to society.

Falling of trees is considered a great source of income but it's truly a menace to society. We have bad weather and draughts in so many countries that we should start to show concern and leave chasing money that'll get us extinct. If anything, we should be planting more trees now more than ever. We need to value what we have and what we are given.

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