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The blessing of God comes in a gradual process to many individual.I may be blessed today by God, tomorrow it may be your turn, next tomorrow it may be the turn of another person. So let us exercise patients and wait for God's blessing.
added by 1001277811 155 days ago 1    0

the blessing is earned. and some have always said that if you are blessed and you do what it takes to deserve it, it will not come down on you.
added by Anonymous 583 days ago 3    0

The point is very fantastic and realistic blessings are like mangoes on the tree they don't reap and the same time so let us just wait for our blessings open it is a period time
added by Anonymous 588 days ago 3    0

Sure! Blessings are like mangoes on a mango tree, indeed. There is a time when you have them ripe and there is a time when you have none of them ripe.
added by Anonymous 588 days ago 4    0

Blessings are like mangoes on a tree. They don't ripe at once.

God's blessings are always like mangoes on a tree. They all don't come to ripe in one day.
Some may get ripe today and others tomorrow and the rest the other day and so forth.
If your blessing is for today, then tomorrow it may be someone else.
Just wait you blesing as you pray for it will ripe someday.

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