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England is a very wicked country. They have enslaved a lot of countries into captive especially Biafra .But one day Biafra will be liberated from Nigeria.
added by 1001277811 158 days ago 1    0

A country that colonised almost entire world can't be neglected as world political leader.
added by Anonymous 447 days ago 3    0

The statement of any country being the best is relatively perceived by that individual.
Other countries may also be happy according to how they are and they do their things. Others are most peaceful but you won't know it because the citizens are not complaining.
added by 1001242910 588 days ago 6    0

The Queen of England has indeed done more good than harm. She was heading not only England but all the Commonwealth countries around the World.
added by Anonymous 589 days ago 5    0

Politically England is among. The leading country. In the world.

I think queen of England Elizabeth has done more good than he harm...

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