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Character is very good in people life. The way you behavior can cause people to look for you.
added by 1001277811 159 days ago 1    0

God him and I have just registered in a bit if possible l I have just wanted you doing today is your plan we're going for prayer's you want me and we start on Monday morning for me to make a new in a few months now but I'll let her tomorrow to see how we have online
added by JOSEPH KULE 531 days ago 1    0

Character of a person is very important. If you have a good character you will be remembered even if you are not around.
added by Anonymous 572 days ago 2    0

Sure. You are quite right. Because a person with good character will attract people of the same characters and likewise the one with bad character will attract people of the same characters.
added by Anonymous 575 days ago 1    0

Characters matters a lot in this life.

A person's character may determine the people he will stay with in life.
Whether they are bad or good. If your characters are good, you will get good people to sorround you.
If you get bad character, still the people around you will be of a bad character.
So your characters matters alot in life.

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