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Do not take heed to many words as they are meant to influence you negatively. Therefore abide by words or advice that will influence you positively.
added by 1001277811 160 days ago 1    0

Because they have to send you the meeting now so I'll see what do we have already been a good thanks so that was good for the next few months back kambale you doing today are not married right there is the time of Masereka the chair and we will have a better idea on
added by JOSEPH KULE 531 days ago 2    0

Very good advice indeed, because if you take every words spoken about you very seriously, you are likely to end up in useless wars instead of concentrating on your developments.
added by Anonymous 575 days ago 2    0

Don't take heed to some words for they will just break your heart.

Many words might be talked against you but most of them are false and you have to understand it.
They are just shaking you to find out who you really are.
They are just taking your freedom.
So don't take heed to every word.

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