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There was a global saying which says that an idea rules the world.Meanwhile every thing in this world has to do with idea.
added by 1001277811 153 days ago 1    0

This is very much true. The good idea bring about good actions that will result into a good thing.
Wherever, you have a well written down idea, you know that would be the best thing to have in life to start with.
added by 1001242910 563 days ago 1    0

While everything starts with an idea, its also another thing to put the idea into existence.
By existence i mean put the idea in reality or else this idea may never exist even though it start in person N.
added by DEOGRATIAS NSENGIYUMVA 566 days ago 2    0

Yes, indeed. You are quite right. Every thing in life started with just an idea then grows on. The idea becomes transformed into a plan and the plan is developed into something tangible.
added by Anonymous 566 days ago 1    0

Everything starts with an idea and this world was created by an idea.

Everything starts with an idea in life. Whether it is small or big, it will have or it started with and idea.
And even God created the world starting with an idea.
So don't despise small ideas they will resukt into big ideas.

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