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This parable of the net is teaching us about the implications behind repentance and salvation and being born again because without these things it will be hard for us to be born again.
added by 1001277811 161 days ago 1    0

Thanks Fredrick for this great sermon. It should work as a warning or a reminder to all of us. By the look of things, the World is soon coming to the end, so, prepare!
added by Anonymous 572 days ago 2    0

Thé Parable Of The Net. The Destination Of Evil And Good.

Also the Kingdom of Heaven is likened to fishermen who cast their net in the water body and catch all kinds of fish.

When the net is full, they pull it ashore, sit down and divide the fish. The good ones are put in their containers and the worthless are cast away.

So it will be concerning the End Of Age. The angels will gather all people from the four corners of the earth.
After the gathering, the good ones shall be saved and thé bad ones shall be hurled into the fiery furnace for destruction because they are worthless and therefore not needed.
[Matthew 13:47-50]

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