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I thanked God for safezone and its associated affiliate sites for building many sites which serves as an avenue of getting yem.
added by 1001277811 161 days ago 1    0

All in all believe that whatever you have is of great value, however, small it may seem to be, don't be discouraged, you are far much better than some one who doesn't know anything about the safe one pass and with no dan completely.

added by 1001242910 570 days ago 2    0

Thanks dear though I haven't noticed you, but I was not aware of that. That if you go on games and gaming you can collect some free Dans. Wawoooo thanks
added by Anonymous 571 days ago 3    0

Yes, you are quite right to say that the chances of getting Yem have reduced. It is true. But don't lose hope because there are still ways so continue the pursue.
added by Anonymous 572 days ago 3    0


Like me I joined unicorn network in 2020 and found that there was twinkle soccer. But it's unfortunate that I didn't play the UEFA champions league bet, because I could come from school and find that it's too late for me to bet. And now again it's quite hard to make 1 YEM by pro or no. It takes months walaiiii. But we shall keep on pushing untill it's finished.

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You can go to Wazzub click on "Games & Gaming "and participate there to earn( FYEM) free YEM. Not sure why the comment must be 100 characters or more. My one sentence explained it all .
added by Anonymous 571 days ago 2    0