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Purpose in life quicken someone to pursue his or her goal in life.I once read a book that said "purpose driven church".
added by 1001277811 158 days ago 1    0

Yes, this is very good advice, but we need to be focused in order to move a head, and the majority of us lack the power. But with the help of the Lord every thing is possible.
added by Anonymous 564 days ago 4    0

From Seeking Purpose To Creating Purpose, Create Your Own Purpose.

Perhaps you always question yourself, "What is my purpose in this life?"
"Why were I born and for what reason?".
These are all common questions among various people in this world. It's normal and necessary to ask what your purpose is. It's because of these very questions that anxiety to know and discover one's purpose is induced.

• What is life?

"Life is simply an opportune time to create purpose or meaning"

• From Seeking To Creating.

Many people in thé world have no definite purpose and a lot have passed away minus discovering their purpose because they repetitively "seek" purpose in place of "creating" purpose in their lives.

Purpose seeking is no doubt a loop of weariness, an individual shall reach a moment of declaring "I have no distinct purpose in life therefore I have no use" which simply means "I am not needed in this world".

The generation of such thoughts into the mind is one of the main cause of suicide, failure to discover purpose of one's life.

It's crucial to note that your purpose shall never fall direct from heaven some day. If you have or have been with such thinking, I implore you to erase it from your mind because it surely will deprive you of creating your purpose with a hope that it "shall one day come by itself".

We all are born with free will though not absolute, God° by creating us gives each of us an opportunity to create our own purposes.
Everyone has a chance to do what they want, cease seeking a purpose or an opportune time, create one for your self.
Do what you love most, "your purpose is definitely what you are best at" therefore stay at it, be about it always and cling to it.

From now on, commence creating your own purpose of life and relieve your self from purpose seeking. "Purpose ought not to be sought, it should be created". Stop seeking what you can't find, create an opportune time for your self. Start creating your purpose today!

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