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It was the teachers that makes things happened in the society today by impacting knowledge and changing life academically.
added by 1001277811 404 days ago 1    0

So true. Teaching is indeed a noble profession. In Indian beliefs the parents and teacher are godly in nature. I have the deepest respect for teachers.
added by 1000002469 796 days ago 3    0

Yes, that is true, but let's not aim at motivating the teachers only. What about motivating all our workforce? Don't you think it would be so wonderful?
added by Anonymous 807 days ago 5    0

Our society can become better if teachers are motivated.

We have a society that gives little attention to the pillars of our community our teachers. They literally build the thought of the next generation and shape what their future should look like with respect to the present. Our society can become better if these teachers are motivated. Happy people produce happiness and bitter people will do worse than produce bitterness, they will destroy everything they touch. We should be careful when it comes to the future of our children.

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