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Of a truth staking is an alternative ways of growing coins in any platform that permit staking.
added by 1001277811 410 days ago 2    0

Yes staking yem is one of the way to increase your yem if you put your yem in proof of stake for the agreed time u get your yem back with profits also in yem
added by Anonymous 759 days ago 2    0

Is staking is in yem supporters club let me know thanks the am also going to stake mines wawoo wawoo very interesting I never know about for sure our lives will never remain the same
added by Anonymous 779 days ago 3    0

Reap the benefits of staking your Yem.

Staking is like sowing a seed. In Gen.8:22, we read, "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest....... shall not cease. And if we continue to Gal.6:7, " Be not deceived, God is not mocked for whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
Send your Yem to staking in the Yem supporters club to bring you the desired harvest

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