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There are people who make things happen and also there is another set of people who just follow up.
added by 1001277811 406 days ago 1    0

Because they were in names that go good thanks for asking I can get you have any idea on the list please and you are you waiting to get for you guys and I to have you come home can we get the meeting is today the time
added by 1001259576 772 days ago 2    0

I think that is a pretty good description... have you heard Tom MacDonald's new song "Sheeple" yet?
That is one of those greater minds kind of songs... Tom and Nova both have some greater mind type of songs (and all the others too) when you really listen to what is being said, that's what I found and part of why I like their music. Check it out for yourself.

Speaking about the types of minds, it is OK to be whatever type you are, what is important though is to stay true to yourself, be a good person, help your fellow human, and bring value to the world. So whatever type of mind you are have fun and be happy!
added by Anonymous 799 days ago 5    0

The four categories of people's minds.

I have tried to categorise people's minds in relation to what they discuss, and come out with basically four categories, according to my observation and some research carried out;
Weak minds: These discuss people.
Ordinary minds: These discuss events.
Great minds: These discuss ideas.
Lastly, Greater minds: These discuss philosophy.

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