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Yes it is true there is no new things that is happening now. Every things that are happening now have happened before in the time passed the Bible confirmed it too.
added by 1001277811 166 days ago 1    0

Yes life is a replay of events from the past but not exactly the same because of technology and evolutions.
added by Anonymous 558 days ago 2    0

Did you know that life is a replay of events already happened in the past?

Yes, it is. Life is just a replaybof something that already happened in the past.
There is nothing new that is happening now.
For the Bible says that all things happened in the past and there will be nothing to happen again.
So never expect something new but rather what has already happened.

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I have voted no because I can see a lot of changes every day that passes. New scientific innovations are coming out now and again. Even the way of living has changed.
added by 1001057999 558 days ago 1    1