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The traditional way of doing business is now seen as a primitive method. Now we are in an advanced world,whereby the use of internet to run online business is the talk of the day.
added by 1001277811 406 days ago 1    0

Yes for me I'm always readY for the economic changes. Made some plans and preparations as expected there should always changes especially on economics.
added by Anonymous 798 days ago 4    0

Yes, many people seem not to take this global project as a serious concern, in spite of all the information out there. At the end of the day, they will be regretting and blaming others.
added by Anonymous 798 days ago 5    0

Are you ready for any changes in the economic situation the world is experiencing

We have got many people who are not ready for change.
Information has been circulating for people to get ready but refused to listen.
They want to keep doing business the traditional way which should not be the solution for the better.
Tell friends to change so as to create a better future.

How do you vote?

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