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Had it been that I was given an option to chose whether I should come to this world or not, I would prefer to chose that I should come to this world. This world is good it is human that destroyed this world. God made this world to be a pleasure to man and also an enjoyable place to man too before Adam and Eve being the first man and woman sinned against God.
added by 1001277811 406 days ago 1    0

I truly believe we all chose our journeys and our parents and came into this world with a plan if not finished when we die we have to come another way and complete it .ive been here before
added by Anonymous 789 days ago 2    0

If I knew that life would be like this in this world , I would not temper to come here.

It's a scary place with no justice. I would choose another alternative.
added by Anonymous 792 days ago 5    0

The world is a nice environment to leave for those who struggle for it. Therefore, I feel when I work hard I will enjoy the fruits of my hard work.
added by Anonymous 796 days ago 5    0

Definitely I would be given an alternative. What if I chose not to come to this world, where would I live? Any way what ever the alternative, this world is a good place.
added by Anonymous 797 days ago 5    0

You come to the world with a purpose in life. To be good to others, help them and to enjoy life with family and loved ones.
added by Anonymous 798 days ago 7    0

What would be your choice if were given chance to choose whether to come to this world or not ?

If you were given a chance to choose whether to come to this world or not, what would be your choice and why?
Please give a reason to support your answer.
Let's discuss this question and come up with the final answer. I want to hear from you.

How do you vote?

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