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Patient is good but it pains in order to make it in life one needs to exercise patient in some certain things.
added by 1001277811 488 days ago 1    0

Well I'm the is a poultry seasoning recipe to you later when you're on that one is your address again and we are in staff to get the meeting shall be to be done in names for the next two years to make it up your contributions and I will try by all of us to do with your mom today we can work out
added by JOSEPH KULE 851 days ago 2    0

Its true we need to be patient
Once u have patient can succeed in life in everything we do we pass through alot where by we need to humble so that we can achieve our gaols
So patient is needed
En Jesus Christ pass through alot of tarils but he never give up we should stand strong to
added by Anonymous 876 days ago 5    0

That patience is the greatest virtue.

There is a common saying that patience is the greatest virtue. May be it is because patience is exercised by every one of us at one time or another in life. After getting pregnant, a woman has to be patient for nine months before giving birth.
A farmer will wait patiently for at least three months after sowing in order to harvest.
Learn to exercise patience.
Rome was not built in one day.

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