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It is good to have money so that you can enjoy the taste of life.Money is the sweetness of this life.
added by 1001277811 409 days ago 1    0

Yes, you are quite right here because without money I can assure you life will be very difficult for you. Nobody will listen to you even if your point is good.
added by Anonymous 791 days ago 3    0

Money with money is enjoyable than without

So many situations in this world need money and in order to muchly enjoy life one should have money. Take an example, if you don't have money your health is at risk that is to say, if you have no money, it is very difficult to pay medical bills and sustain your diet for good health. Let's talk about the livelihood of people in our countries moreso African countries, it is so difficult to maintain and have peace or enjoy life without money which has actually made more to be slaves in other countries. But this is caused by the rampant increase of unemployment in these countries and the corruption in the economy which makes it so hard for one to get money and enjoy life. So money makes life easier than having no money.

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