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I really enjoyed the activities of BRICS Nation of which I strongly believed that African country is among one of them.
added by 1001277811 493 days ago 1    0

Sure, every one wants to hop on to the fast moving band wagon of the BRICS. Why? Because it is the best way forward in the world's current economic turmoil.
added by 1001057999 865 days ago 2    0

Everybody wants to hop on the BRICS Express

The report weighs the pros and cons of three scenarios involving possible, upcoming BRICS+ candidates:

First, nations that were invited by Beijing to be part of the 2017 BRICS summit (Egypt, Kenya, Mexico, Thailand, Tajikistan).

Second, nations that were part of the BRICS foreign ministers’ meeting in May this year (Argentina, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Thailand).

Third, key G20 economies (Argentina, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Turkiye).

And then there’s Iran, which has already already shown interest in joining BRICS.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has recently confirmed that “several countries” are absolutely dying to join BRICS. Among them, a crucial West Asia player: Saudi Arabia.

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