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It is not must that everyone should be rich.Even though it is biblical that not everyone should be rich.We know the story of rich man and poor Lazarus in the bible.
added by 1001277811 492 days ago 1    0

being rich to me has endless meaning because some times you may find a rich person in the community crying of poverty. to me it is enough to be rich if you can satisfy your day to day needs appropriately.
added by Anonymous 862 days ago 2    0

For sure getting rich is q must to everyone but obtaining riches is for individual who has mindset of being with riches.even if you cut off his legs still the brain will remain working planning for his riches.
added by Anonymous 863 days ago 1    0

True all we see is life is about doing all you can do to learn all you can learn...believe in what you have ..alwaysI'll fe
added by Anonymous 864 days ago 1    0

Can riches b obtained by all people in the world?

Money and wealth has characteristics and one of it's characteristics is that it has to be scarse.
However, everyone comes out and claim that he wants wealth and riches.
Yes everyone can may be have it but it depends on the blessings and fortunes.
And this tells you that not all can get riches. But always believe that you are among the few who are going to obtain it.

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