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Very deadly because it comes from no where, but its like a feeling that you dont want anyone to be better than you, Oh my God, you want to be the over all of which you can't make it.
added by Anonymous 1149 days ago 0    0

Hating destroys the health very negatively so should be avoided. It disturb the peace of mind of person who is living with this habit.
added by 1000022051 1293 days ago 2    0

Hatred is a feeling. It can cause an angry, or resentful emotional response, which can be used against certain people, or ideas.[1]

Hatred is often associated with feelings of anger, disgust and a disposition towards the source of hostility.
added by Anonymous 1294 days ago 1    0

Hate is emotional and it usually happens to things that you happen to comprehend and it's either spontaneous or molds with period. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
added by 1000940371 1294 days ago 2    0

If hatred of others was classified as a mental illness, then these alleged perpetrators could receive psychological treatment for this specific issue. As professional psychotherapists, we could attempt to raise the profile of this problem to involve the entire community. We could develop prevention and early intervention strategies. We could attempt to understand what causes such hatred. Is it the fear that others will take something away from them? Does it derive from not really knowing others from different ethnicities or sexual orientations? What role do politicians and the media play in pitting people against each other? What role does economic class play here? Whose interest does this all serve?
One of the goals of treatment would be to help the client understand the reasons and etiology for his hatred. Hopefully this understanding would transform him to a person who is more empathetic and understanding. He could learn to experience and comprehend his pain.
added by Anonymous 1294 days ago 3    0

Hating is the dislike of a fellow person or any other thing. This could come as a result of mental and emotional dissatisfaction with the nature of something. It's an emotional disease because when it not stopped one might suffer from pressure related diseases which can even result into death.
added by Anonymous 1294 days ago 4    0

Hating is an emotional disease.

Hate is a mighty strong emotion. This mental venom can pollute your spirit, poison your soul and seep into all of the relationships that surround you. Anyone who has found themselves wrapped up in the arms of hate knows how damaging and mind-consuming it can become. Even the word carries power, particularly if it comes from a friend, a family member or anyone you know .

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