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As the writer of the above article have already said most websites generate their revenue by sharing adverts to it's users but in safezone it is not like that.
added by 1001277811 171 days ago 1    0

It is not sustainable now that there are social media websites that empower not only influencers but all users to make money using affiliate business model. Users will become loyal to the sites that pay them, hence those sites that don't pay them will die a natural death.
added by SHAFI ABEID 533 days ago 2    0

Is it sustainable that most social media websites' users get paid nothig?

Social media websites generate their revenues through selling ads, premium services and other Internet deals to their users. In return, most websites share the revenues with a few influencers who represent less than 10% of all users. Is this revenue-sharing business model that leaves more than 90% of revenue generators empty-handed sustainable?

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