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Uganda need to develop like other western world both in civilization and otherwise because the world is now civilized.
added by 1001277811 173 days ago 1    0

I think they mean the same. This is because zaabu is a Luganda word while gold is English Work.
added by Anonymous 447 days ago 2    0

Uganda Zabbu ate uganda kula lya Africa just know on uganda everything is possible where one can do anything to correct money out of people.
added by Anonymous 531 days ago 4    0

Due to the love that we have to support each other and promote our culture to create wealth, friendship amongst us.

added by JOSEPH KULE 533 days ago 6    0


The reason to why I say that is that. Some times I watch some comedies on Facebook and see a crowd of people gathering in a Cinema hall and I you are talented toske people laugh, you can collect alot and alot of money on that stage.

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