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If Elon Musk have decided to invest in yemchain that is a good idea to him.As for me I think by so doing it will boost the price of yem by increasing the value of yem.
added by 1001277811 417 days ago 2    0

HE INVESTED I IMAGINE LIKE ANY OTHER INVESTOR BUT THE ONLY DIFFERENCE, HE could have put much higher amounts of money which gives him more benefit in the project compared to other investors in the business.
added by DEOGRATIAS NSENGIYUMVA 768 days ago 5    0

Its very nice to have Elon Must in our company. That will make the company keep growing for the rest of the world. Big men like those means growth and steady progress . Let more of the richest men and women come in because doors are open for all small or big, tall or short, black or white not only nations and continents but the whole world.
added by 1001098163 774 days ago 6    0

According to what he is it could be true because he want to keep that record of abellionaoir who invests in cryptos.
added by Anonymous 776 days ago 7    0

It's true because he has kept that record of being the most billionaier who invests in criyptals currency
added by JOSEPH MUMBERE 777 days ago 9    1

Lets see what gonna happen. Who know elon musk might take engagements if he sees an opportunity that really makes him really wants
added by Anonymous 777 days ago 9    0

Is it true that Elon Musk decided to invest in Yemchain?

Is it true that Elon Musk decided to invest in Yemchain? What will this mean for Yem? Will the price rise uncontrollably or will the algorithm work?
When he announced his investment in Bitcoin, the price reached record highs.

How do you vote?

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No he has not taken any step in Unicorn Network because he has not got any information about us. Remember he is too rich to consider investing in a projects that is in the development stage. He prefers running businesses like Twitter which is profitable. Not yem which is still waiting for regulation.
added by Anonymous 776 days ago 5    0

I haven't read any news about this. If it were true then it must be a viral news by now. Please if you have any information about this you should be sharing the link for the world to know.
added by Anonymous 777 days ago 9    0