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Safezone has to do something that will be beneficial to everyone of us in yem network foundation. I feel it will be good and better to allow everybody to withdrawn their yem after verifying their account in safeident.
added by 1001277811 174 days ago 1    0

Ok, not waiting for other companies but any time any day we are to be set free to start using our everyday money , when we start using it we will enjoy kabisa.
added by 1001098163 527 days ago 7    0

Yem Withdraw from Safe ident works or not?

Is it true after getting “Go Unlimited Kyc” through safe ident can withdraw the yem into USD?
If not what is the possible way to withdraw money from YEM?
Is waiting until all businesses participate in Yem is the solution?
Please advise!

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We are not sure yet that after all we can't withdrew yem to usd so I don't know if we r waiting utill all companies have to accept yem as a means of payment.
added by Anonymous 527 days ago 7    0