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That was the only match Argentina lost.It happened at the beginning of the match. The game of football is full of surprise.
added by 1001277811 177 days ago 1    0

Yes saudi win 2-1 againt Argentina in group stages
added by 1001064996 453 days ago 1    0

This was unexpected and most people had voted Argentina in favour.
Surprisingly Saudi Arabia made the day for their nationals.
A great start for this country.
added by 1001242910 516 days ago 1    0

Wooooowww, Saudi Arabia beats Argentina !

Wowwww , Saudi Arabia surprisingly beats the power team Argentina!
Kudos to the whole Saudian team , especially the wonderful performance of their goal keeper.

This is exactly the best example of the popular saying " the ball is round" the unexpected always happened.

What a pleasant surprise victory!!!

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