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While we are struggling to survive and make ends meet let us be guided as well and things easy and purse it in good means.
added by 1001277811 176 days ago 1    0

Keep gurded in your home, family and everywhere you are.

We are in a different season now. The season of festive days is approaching. Where everyone will need to have the best and enough in his house.
Them that have some want to accumulate more.
They that have not will advise means to get some.
Even when those means tends to hurt others.
So my advise to you is that you keep gurded everywhere you go, everywhere you are.

How do you vote?

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I think even if u put a batallion and ad many guards around your home without God's protection u're absolutely not safe!Anyone can closely destroy u in a blink of an eye buh it's only God's protection and Mercy upon us.
added by Anonymous 498 days ago 1    0