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It is very good for someone to be consistence in life .By so doing you will be able to over some challenges problems and obstacles that may come on your way.
added by 1001277811 185 days ago 0    0

Now that you have been persistent, i believe you can be trusted by all forms of riches like job having suffered and did not denounce God, all he lost was brought back beyond measure and this is what we must look forward to in all
added by Anonymous 448 days ago 1    0

Significance of consistence in the long run in daily life...

Yes we need to be real but do not forget the story of Job in the scriptures.
When you suffer, you will need to manage it because it could be the future that you need to go through or burning of bricks to be red hot for construction than if it had not been burnt.

Now that you have been persistent, i believe you can be trusted by all forms of riches like job having suffered and did not denounce God, all he lost was brought back beyond measure and this is what we must look forward to in all aspect of life.

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