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I strongly believed that the global economy will crash this year 2023.It has already resulted to inflation caused by the government.
added by 1001277811 186 days ago 3    0

Its more likely that the year 2023 the world economy will crash because of the QFS a new financial system coming into place. There will be no liquidity initially and may economies will struggle to survive.
added by Anonymous 491 days ago 3    0

The global economy will crash in 2023

The global economy will implode in 2023, due to greedy over-extended banks, reckless economic policies imposed by politicians, and extreme operations pull-backs to all major companies in efforts to escape the financial damage. Ultimately, do you agree that the global economy will crash in 2023, due to any of a variety of catastrophic monetary factors.

How do you vote?

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I don't think so because no one is sleeping so any thing can done to avoid search disaster.
added by Anonymous 481 days ago 3    0