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YEM foundation is a future of money it will be good if only we can exercise patient to see the growth of YEM in future.
added by 1001277811 187 days ago 3    0

Within the past few years, the YEM Foundation has hinted that it will launch a unique "YEM-conomy" panel of experts ~ each specializing in a separate and specific sector of the global economy. My intuition tells me that this milestone advancement should generate widespread, positive media attention. Do you
added by 1001271327 331 days ago 3    0

Within the past few years, the YEM Foundation has hinted that it will launch a unique "YEM-conomy" panel of experts ~ each specializing in a separate and specific sector of the global economy. My intuition tells me that this milestone advancement should generate widespread, positive media attention. Do you agree?

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added by 1001271327 331 days ago 3    0

Within the past few years, the YEM Foundation has hinted that it will launch a unique "YEM-conomy" panel of experts ~ each specializing in a separate and specific sector of the global economy. My intuition tells me that this milestone advancement should generate widespread, positive media attention. Do you agree?
added by 1001271327 331 days ago 3    0

Foundation has hinted that it will launch a unique "YEM-conomy" panel of experts ~ each specializing in a separate and specific sector of the global economy. My intuition tells me that this milestone advancement should generate widespread, positive media attention. Do you
added by 1001271327 332 days ago 3    0

This is true and we look forward to realizing this purpose of Yem in the world as the globe adopts digital currency.
added by DEOGRATIAS NSENGIYUMVA 423 days ago 3    0

The YEM economy is already being promoted and it will become more prominent when the regulation has started later this year.
added by Anonymous 476 days ago 3    0

True we will be taking great stride if that is to happen but we should also not forget that where there's something good there's always bad people watching too like what happened with the benemerenti saga so we should also look out for that
added by Anonymous 477 days ago 3    0

It's just a matter of time patience pains but pays we are to start enjoying the fruits of our sweat.
added by Anonymous 482 days ago 4    0

The "YEM-conomy" feature will generate worldwide fanfare in early 2023

Within the past few years, the YEM Foundation has hinted that it will launch a unique "YEM-conomy" panel of experts ~ each specializing in a separate and specific sector of the global economy. My intuition tells me that this milestone advancement should generate widespread, positive media attention. Do you agree?

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