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That is true visiting a dentist doctor at least twice a year will help to improve your dental health conditions.
added by 1001277811 188 days ago 1    0

This is true because it gives you much information on how your dental is, and prevents dental problems like tooth decay which can be avoided.
added by Anonymous 436 days ago 2    0

True it is desirable to visit a dentist every six months for teeth check ups and teeth cleaning. If regularly practiced then your teeth will last long.
added by Anonymous 468 days ago 2    0

It's true because when you visit a dentist regularly, the status of your teeth is assessed early enough and in case of any problem a solution is thought of early to maintain good dental health.
added by Anonymous 480 days ago 2    0

Going for medical check-ups helps our teeth to remain in health conditions hence preventing them from decaying
added by Anonymous 482 days ago 2    0

yes, if you can afford it, otherwise just take better care of your teeth and your health in general. Do not use any floride, or use metal filings for cavities, these things are bad for you. Also research about getting root canals or if they offer to whiten your teeth by spraying high pressure water on them, it sounds good but it messes up your gums forever after that or can cause you long term issue with root canals (it's better to just pull the tooth if you "need" a root canal). I regret I did not listen more to my mom before I had my teeth whitened that way with the high pressure water, now I have all kinds of issues that I never would have had before I got that proceedure done. So do your own research, there is a lot of bad stuff being pushed by these dentists and doctors, simply because they just believe the narrative these things are good and do not do their own research before offering them to you. So be smart!
added by Anonymous 482 days ago 3    0

Visiting the Dentist every 6 months improves your dental health

Visiting the dentist at least twice a year for the deep cleaning of your teeth, is the responsible thing to do if you want to be free from plaque, cavities and periodontitis later in life.

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You can care for your teeth by eating healthy foods and visit a dentist once in a year
added by Anonymous 445 days ago 2    0

Going to the dentist that often only makes the doctor richer. Most people can't afford to go the first time. People need to take control of what they can do for themselves. I use dentists when I need them. The last visit I had was more than 10 years ago.

added by Anonymous 481 days ago 2    0