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The main reasons why mountains have been globally important to people for centuries are as: sources of food; sources of valuable minerals and precious stones; and places of great cultural importance.
added by Anonymous 368 days ago 2 0
The writer of this article have said it all mountain is a good thing to be seen in any country because of a lot benefit gotten from it.
added by 1001277811 466 days ago 3 0
They aid in rain fall formation here encouraging farming in the country
They attract tourists who bring in foreign exchange hence high improvent of stadards of living in the country
They contain minerals such as copper in kasese and gold in kotido which are used to manufacture other products used the people in the country forexample using cement from copper to build houses
added by 1001271327 605 days ago 3 0
Mountains are important to the people around them through provision of a conduisive climate needed for human settlement. Mountains also help in rain formation which provides water for farming, domestic and industrial use. Mountains also are habitats of wide range of fauna and flora that boasts our economy through foreign exchange brought in by visiting tourists. Silting from volcanic mountains provides alluvial soils good for Arabic coffee, banana growing, cocoa growing. Mountains are source of herbs used I treatment of our people. Mining can be done in mountainous areas.
added by Anonymous 610 days ago 3 0
Mountainous areas have very rich mineral soils and are good for farming. This is termed as good.
added by Anonymous 724 days ago 3 0
It bring rainfall in the country
it brings tourist attraction
added by 1001064996 727 days ago 3 0
Mountains provide law materials to people.provides fresh air and pastures mostly in the dry seasons for animals and people.
added by Anonymous 747 days ago 3 0
Mountainous areas have very rich mineral soils and are good for farming. Many of the horticultural crops thrive in these highland areas.
added by Anonymous 747 days ago 3 0