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People with pioneering spirit are people of great mind, great thinkers and the rest of others. They easily succeed in life without much stress.
added by 1001277811 289 days ago 1    0

True we have to stay positive and focused, open
Minded people to achieve the extraordinary things.
added by Anonymous 547 days ago 1    0

So true .
We have to stay positive and focused, open minded people to achieve the extraordinary things
added by Anonymous 557 days ago 3    0

Pioneering spirit - The art of thinking ahead

"Where would we end up if everyone just asked where we end up - and no one went to see where you would end up if you would go?"
- Unknown author -

What do you think of this quote? How do you interpret it in your words? Do you know an example - from your own life or from world history - in which this philosophical attitude played a role? Write it in the comments.

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