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The writer has said it all we have to be different in all our ways.It was only those who were proven to be different are people that makes things happened.
added by 1001277811 196 days ago 1    0

You find out where you are what everyone else is doing and do exactly the opposite.
added by Anonymous 465 days ago 4    0

Be different because that is what makes a difference.

If you want to be different do things in a unique way . People who become extraordinary are those who do what 90% can't see with their visual eyes. People who become extraordinary are those who do things in acertain way. people who become extraordinary are those who work when 90% are sleeping. Wake up make it your principle and start to work on your dream not to appear like others.if you want to be unique , just find out what everyone is doing and do the opposite. Goodluck.

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