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For someone to be successful in whatsoever he or she is doing in this life the person should not quite in it on time he or she has to remains in it until victory is recorded.
added by 1001277811 191 days ago 1    0

This is Apure truth because any results depends
On the decision taken at the beginning,
You cannot take a decision you most do the necessary, to reach the expected results.
added by Anonymous 448 days ago 1    0

If you qiuit that's the end of you u can never win .
added by Anonymous 458 days ago 3    0

This is a pure truth because any result depends on the decision taken at the beginning. You cannot take a decision and expect for an opposit result. Whenever you take a decision you must do the necessary to reach the expected result. I fully agree with the statement that winners never quit and quitters never win.
added by 1000083374 459 days ago 3    0

"Winners never quit, and quitters never win." ~ Vince Lombardi, late USA football coach

Yes, winners never quit, and quitters never win. This is an iconic, timeless statement made more than 60 years ago by Vince Lombardi, the late coach of the multi-championship Green Bay Packers National Football League team.

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