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As for me I didn't expect to see European Union as corrupt because they are the body and entity that enhanced peace and unity of the Nation.
added by 1001277811 289 days ago 1    0

Yes the EU is corrupt to the core
And our unicorn network project's should have
Obsoletely no association with this demonic
added by 1001075162 547 days ago 1    0

I don't think so personally I just believe it's on high level compare to the rest.
added by Anonymous 551 days ago 1    0

Yes, the EU is "corrupt to the core," and our Unicorn Network project should have absolutely no association with this demonic organization. "Marrying up with those globalist elitists" would ensure that Free Speech within our system gets obliterated, while The System forces our membership to kowtow to its every whim.
added by Anonymous 555 days ago 2    0

Is the European Union corrupt?

What is your opinion on this issue, "Is the European Union Corrupt?" I would be interested to view your answer here, and perhaps many others would be, too.

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