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The best thing in life is not to associates with people who always have negative mindsets upon their fellow because they will continue being a failure in life.
added by 1001277811 195 days ago 1    0

They fear to invest in aten year business but don't fear to produce children and pay school fess for twenty five years. Hahaha
added by Anonymous 460 days ago 1    0

Stay away from negative people if you want to succeed in life.

Nagative people are poisonous to our success.never you surround yourself with such kind of people. They have anagative thinking in every aspect you present to them. If you share your idea with them , they show you the negative side of the idea . They tell you how it's impossible ,it can't work and so forth. They are ever complaining and they fear to risk not knowing that even to live is to risk.

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