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I personally noticed that great achievers are people who make things happened. They took their part in revolution to make things happened.
added by 1001277811 290 days ago 3    0

To win the big stake in this changing world,you must catch the spirit of the great pioneers. All successful people have been revolutionaries in one way or the another.what I have realized is that all people who were part of the revolutions became too rich. All people who have changed the world, all people who have shaped history and the fathers of this world have been be part of the revolution you don't have to be with money .what you need is vision. Goodluck.
added by 1001271327 426 days ago 3    0

To win the big stake in this changing world,you must catch the spirit of the great pioneers. All successful people have been revolutionaries in one way or the another.what I have realized is that all people who were part of the revolutions became too rich. All people who have changed the world, all people who have shaped history and the fathers of this
added by 1001271327 426 days ago 3    0

To win the big stake in this changing world,you must catch the spirit of the great pioneers. All successful people have been revolutionaries in one way or the another.what I have realized is that all people who were part of the revolutions became too rich. All people who have changed the world, all people who have shaped history and the fathers of this world have been be part of the revolution you
added by 1001271327 426 days ago 3    0

It better to be an agent of this revolution through adopting technology
added by 1000936141 529 days ago 3    0

It is good to be an agent in the future World if you know about digital transformation
added by Anonymous 530 days ago 3    0

The companies on the stock exchange market
Started as small, Thomas Edison did not get rich, after the failed a thousand times.
added by Anonymous 540 days ago 3    0

All successful people have been revolutionaries in one way or the another.what I have realized is that all people who were part of the revolutions became too rich
added by Anonymous 545 days ago 3    0

yes if you no vision you can not be rich for long time
added by 1000851937 548 days ago 3    0

All the companies on the stock exchange market started as small. Thomas Edison didn't get rich after he failed athousandtimes.
added by Anonymous 551 days ago 3    0

Ya ready to be an agent of the new revolution because it will benefit all of us.
added by Anonymous 551 days ago 3    0

All of us we strive to make positive history but the status around us don't allow. How i wish we all think positive towards other people's initiatives and development.
added by Anonymous 551 days ago 3    0

Be an agent of this new revolution:

To win the big stake in this changing world,you must catch the spirit of the great pioneers. All successful people have been revolutionaries in one way or the another.what I have realized is that all people who were part of the revolutions became too rich. All people who have changed the world, all people who have shaped history and the fathers of this world have been be part of the revolution you don't have to be with money .what you need is vision. Goodluck.

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