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I think President Biden is only human just like anybody else. I consider him to be fair enough but anybody can lie.
added by Anonymous 548 days ago 1    0

U.S. President Joe Biden has never told a lie in his entire life. Should you believe him?

U.S. President Joe Biden has never told a lie in his entire life. Should you believe him? What is your opinion? Is he honest?

How do you vote?

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I disagreed that U.S president Joe Biden have never tell lie since his life time .He is not righteous as Jesus Christ
added by 1001277811 290 days ago 1    0

Monsieur Joe Biden est un être humain. Donc, certainrcertainement il a une fois menti dans sa vie
added by Anonymous 548 days ago 1    0

Never trust politicians on planet earth because those people lie a lot and beyond doubt. politicians are full of lies whether from which country.
added by Anonymous 548 days ago 1    0

No one in history of the world has never lied and hope so Joe Biden has ever lied
added by Anonymous 548 days ago 1    0

Absolutely NO!!!! Nobody on planate earth has never lied and hope Joe Biden has always lied and can't accept it
added by Anonymous 548 days ago 1    0

no the US president JO BIDEN he has never be honest according to the history
added by 1000851937 548 days ago 1    0

I can believe him because he was also human being .mistakes done by human beings
added by 1001064996 549 days ago 1    0

There is no human being who is perfect. You can't know what's inside our hearts wether I decieve or not.
added by Anonymous 549 days ago 1    0