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Faith in God is the principal thing. Once you have faith in God, you will be be able to move mountain.
added by 1001277811 198 days ago 1    0

Exactly,having faith everything is in my hands and it is better you have faith in your life before extracting good future
added by 1000936141 436 days ago 2    0

Actually having faith with in make u , a contentious person with peace mind
added by Anonymous 445 days ago 2    0

When you have faith, everything is almost is in your hands.

Have faith in you and by doing this, you will be having almost everything you desire to have.
That same faith will push you to attain your goals in life
So have faith in God and God will bring to pass all your dreams.

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El Apóstol Santiago afirmó: "La Fé sin HECHOS no es posible". Si tienes FE, en CRISTO, debes hacer lo que Cristo nos ordena en sus MANDAMIENTOS. Por ejemplo, Si soy una persona soberbia, rencorosa, que no perdona definitivamente no tiene FE EN CRISTO. Esa persona puede decir tengo FE, pero sin hechos.
Les sugiero lean detenidamente la Carta del Apóstol Santiago, Nuevo Testamento.
added by Marcial Nuñez Alonzo 381 days ago 2    0