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King Solomon passed a difficult test before the two women who bargain on their child. One when his child died want to claim the child of the living one.I thanked God for his wisdom upon king Solomon whom was able to judge rightly.
added by 1001277811 198 days ago 3    0

Winners are takers in anything, everyone like being the winner
added by Anonymous 335 days ago 4    0

Before you win , there are too many tests you must pass and if you don't know what you want, you are more likely to give in.
added by Anonymous 445 days ago 4    0

That's why it always calls us to be persistent and patient
added by Anonymous 445 days ago 4    0

You have to always be patient with everything to emerge as awinner
added by Anonymous 451 days ago 4    0

There is an English saying that the winner takes it all. a winners always emerge last.
added by Anonymous 452 days ago 4    0

Patience and wishing good to others is important
Sin doesn't hide,even if you hide it 1000 times,it will be realized after sometime
So its important to be holly and God pays those who do good
added by Anonymous 453 days ago 4    0

That means you need to behave with faith in whatever your doing in life you need to think before you act before you decide for any thing
added by Anonymous 453 days ago 4    0

Always be human and kind to others if you are to win
added by Anonymous 454 days ago 4    0

Winners emerge last but they take it all.

In the Bible there were two women who went to king Solomon who is talked to be the wisest person in the history of human life. These women came to king Solomon to decide for them who was the owner of the baby. They gave the baby to king Solomon . woman 1 was the real mother and woman 2 was not the mother but was just claiming. King solomon summoned them and gave them atest that led to the original truth. He told them since they were all fighting for the baby it was important that they divide the baby into two parts, woman 1takes one part and woman 2 takes another part. Woman 2 stood up in celebration that we should divide him". Woman 1 said no to the king she said that", if it calls killing her baby, then they should give it to Woman 2. The king there and then got the answer and gave the baby to woman1. Woman2 who onlywanted to see that 1loses the baby was defeated and , it definitely summarises what I want to share with you."Before you win you need to be true to yourself and what you want to arrive at. Before you win , there are too many tests you must pass and if you don't know what you want, you are more likely to give in.

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