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I think its fine if all citizens have free acces to healthcare facilities.remember if people are healthy it even boost production in the economic sector because people will be at work instead of being bed riden for lack of medical service access.this should be a fundamental right to every citizen
added by Anonymous 118 days ago 0    0

Living a heathy care life is a civic responsible and it should not be ignored.Let us encouraged it.
added by 1001277811 193 days ago 2    0

Oui c'est un droit fondamental mais dans la plupart des pays sous développés, les soins de santé primaires ne sont même pas garantis.
added by Anonymous 425 days ago 2    0

Having a healthy body is everyone's right regardless of economic status. To maintain good health, it is necessary to do prevention to stay healthy.
added by Iwan Munawar 447 days ago 2    0

Quality Healthcare for All: A Fundamental Right

Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right that should be available to all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status. Investing in preventative care, expanding coverage options, and reducing out-of-pocket costs will help ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live a healthy and fulfilling life. What do you think?

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