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The choice is in your hand simply means that you have the power of becoming what you want to be in this life.
added by 1001277811 199 days ago 1    0

Absolutely right the ball is always in our hands in such away that you yourself will decide how you want your life to look like and that's why there is a saying that Allah to protect those.
Who helps them shelves
added by Anonymous 447 days ago 1    0

They may be synonymous in nature but the proper phase is that " The ball is in your hands" In short it just simply means that take up the opportunity and do the right decisions.
added by Anonymous 451 days ago 1    0

Absolutely right. The ball is always in our hands in such a way that you yourself will decide how you want your life to look like and that's why there is a saying that God helps those who help themselves. Your not going to stay in church or mosques praying and expect a miracle from God. God bless those who knows what they want so your life is a hundred percent your responsibility .you shine it up and down in the darkness!.
added by Anonymous 451 days ago 1    0

It means you have the right powers to decide what ever you feel is good for you in every aspect in life.
added by Anonymous 451 days ago 2    0

Have you ever dare to know the meaning of this "the choice is in your hands"?

Choice is an inalienable right which is given to all of us by birth. Every body has this power in his is the major reason people want to live in a free country.we want the power to choose financially with every coin we get in our hands,you hold the power in your hands to choose your future to be rich ,poor or middle class. When you make up your minds and make the most important decision.

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