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When you are confused about life sit down and meditate about life.By so doing, it will give you a refreshing thought.
added by 1001277811 292 days ago 1    0

It's good to sit down and meditate because it allows you get detached from the worldly confusion of luxury, pride and others which may make you a bad person.
added by Anonymous 529 days ago 1    0

Meditation is very crucial in human life... our inner power can be exposed through this practice
added by Anonymous 539 days ago 2    0

To some people meditation is a self reflection and a prayer.
added by Anonymous 541 days ago 2    0

Meditation refreshes the mimd en soul, it raises a persons positive energies through out tje day, its always good to meditate in the morning hours before doing anything.
added by Anonymous 541 days ago 2    0

Always get time to sit alone and meditate about life this will give you a go ahead.

Take time and meditate in life and this will give you refreshments in life and ideas of how to start a new.

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