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God has a purpose of cresting any human being. The purpose of God creating me is not the purpose of God creating you.Meanwhile we need to find out the purpose of God creating everyone of us.
added by 1001277811 292 days ago 2    0

We just have to pray for guidance so we don't go off his plan for us
added by Anonymous 539 days ago 5    0

Indeed God has the perfect plan for us and purpose He wants us to fulfill.

added by Anonymous 541 days ago 4    0

No man kind can stop God from fulfilling my dreams in Him.
What ment to be will always be in God we all trust.
added by Anonymous 541 days ago 4    1

God created me for a purpose , now it,s time to preach da world the word of God .
added by Anonymous 542 days ago 5    0

There is nothing you can add unto what God purposed you to be.

We are all creatures of God and God created us for a purpose.
Your purpose might not be my purpose to why God created me.
The most important thing is to identify that purpose.

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Completamente FALSO. Nadie nace con un propósito determinado por Dios. Si así fuese, por ejemplo, Hitler actuó por mandato y propósito de Dios. Eso es MENTIRA. Todos necemos a imagen y semejanza de Dios y, con un arma formidable, la INTELIGENCIA. Con ella actuamos, nos conducimos, existimos, nos realizamos. Ahora, si esa existencia vá en armonía con las enseñanzas de Dios, será SUPERIOR.
added by Marcial Nuñez Alonzo 473 days ago 2    0