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The earlier the better, yem foundation has come to change a lot of people's life. I even thanked God for making me to see this wonderful opportunity.
added by 1001277811 292 days ago 1    0

On this journey we have tried to make our friends to join the big bang but coz they are used to grabbing heard cash they think every thing u tell them is nothing but scam but in the long run the statement "had I known " ,will work in their state of awareness
added by Anonymous 539 days ago 1    0

It is better late than never because even we who have just joined the family,already started,though long process,gathering freeYem,some Dan's,slowly we shall archive a goal so never lose hope.
added by Anonymous 539 days ago 1    0

Had I known comes last. Wait for such statements

Any time from now people are going to regret. Had they known that yem was real they would have grabbed the opportunity earlier before but remember it's better to start early than waiting for the last hour. And members whatever you do, remember God first because when He says yes no one can say no.

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