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The advancement of computers and Internet in this fifth generation of computer where the of robot for work which has artificial intelligence AI has caused modern advancement in technology.
added by 1001277811 422 days ago 1    0

You talk of 30 years, things are now turning robotic now now. Look at the chinees company whixh has made a Robotic woman now cirtulating in Asian markets. This is so recent which means behind curtains many robots are now taking over humanity.
added by Anonymous 631 days ago 1    0

The use of robotics b is goona replace humanity in few years to come.
added by Anonymous 662 days ago 1    0

I agree with the author of this statement. Technology is not in anyway looking at what the future negatives of deploying AI, i know that the world has to move on but the negatives of this kind of technology must be considered critically. Looking at the kind of technology speed, humanity will probably be wiped off the earth in the coming not so many years.
added by 1001218297 662 days ago 1    0

Artificial Intelligence will obliterate humanity within 30 years.

Artificial Intelligence will obliterate humanity within 30 years, first controlling people everywhere before wiping everyone off the face of the earth.

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