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I must be sincere to my self I am not squinted with sign language. Meanwhile I am extremely desperate to learn it I need a guide.
added by 1001277811 423 days ago 1    0

Because l was trained on how to use sign language
added by 1001271327 559 days ago 1    0

Yes I can make Chinese language interpretation to other languages like English or Swahili.. Helping the rest observers especially during critical moments of life..All welcomed?
added by Anonymous 598 days ago 1    0

I know to interpolate the sign language because I can see some changes in the world eg when the sky changes it's temperature you can know that it is going to rain that is a sign language
added by Anonymous 633 days ago 1    0

Its true that covid 19 paved a way for digital monetory system around the globe. Many countries tasted lockdowns which led many people loose jobs. In that way, Gov'ts have devised means of how to prepare their masses how to adopt to such environment incase it comes back. The major mean of preparing themselves is to embrace digital payment methods and tokenisation of their economies. This will help alot in making sure that every unusual happening which came with lockdowns doesn't happen again.
added by Anonymous 634 days ago 2    0

I did not know when it came but now, our toastmaster clubs all over the world went online and still has online sessions. I think it is the way to go as it is gaining popularity
added by Anonymous 652 days ago 2    0

Do you know how to read and interprete sign language?

Sign language can also be called sign condition. They are many signals that come as indicators of what is going to happen next. For example, covid19 was asign telling us to get prepared for digital transformation. Because everything went digital like churches, schools meetings , shopping etc.

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NO ! Most of us don't know how to read and interpret sign language.
added by Anonymous 656 days ago 2    0