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Que des promesses et mensonges. Nous on ne gagne rien mais certains s'enrichissent.
added by Anonymous 54 days ago 0    0

A time is coming when government individual and company will start using yem unicorn and pernum
added by 1001277811 201 days ago 2    0

Many people expect to hear from Dan setgastti how and how much they will cash out during yesterday's webinar but it didn't come out as expected by many. True people have waited for so long but what should be done to quicken the process, if not cashing out, many would like to see many companies, governments etc accepting YEM but when?
added by 1001271327 333 days ago 3    0

setgastti how and how much they will cash out during yesterday's webinar but it didn't come out as expected by many. True people have waited for so long but what should be done to quicken the process, if not cashing out, many would like to see many companies, governments etc
added by 1001271327 333 days ago 3    0

Many people expect to hear from Dan setgastti how and how much they will cash out during yesterday's webinar but it didn't come out as expected by many. True people have waited for so long but what should be done to quicken the process, if not cashing out, many would like to see many companies, governments etc accepting YEM but when?
added by 1001271327 334 days ago 3    0

Many people expect to hear from Dan setgastti how and how much they will cash out during yesterday's webinar but it didn't come out as expected by many. True people have waited for so long but what should be done to quicken the process, if not cashing out, many would like to see many companies, governments etc accepting YEM but when?

How do you
added by 1001271327 334 days ago 3    0

Yes, this time is very critical time due to COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic effects appears in economic sectors.
added by Anonymous 433 days ago 5    0

Very many people go to the webinar waiting to hear what they want not what is prepared by the organizers.
added by Anonymous 433 days ago 3    0

Yeah there are some people who have not spent a lot of time in unicorn. So they lack alot. For most of us we have hope, hope and hope.
added by AHIMBISIBWE EMMANUEL 433 days ago 5    0

YEM holders who participated in the buyback program have no control over the project.
We don't know what the YEM foundation leading team are planning for the buy back. No body would have mentioned anything like the buy back program since yem foundation was not sure where funds were to come from. Just a thought.
added by Anonymous 434 days ago 5    1

Many have lost hope since last webinar

Many people expect to hear from Dan setgastti how and how much they will cash out during yesterday's webinar but it didn't come out as expected by many. True people have waited for so long but what should be done to quicken the process, if not cashing out, many would like to see many companies, governments etc accepting YEM but when?

How do you vote?

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Am still confident because by the time i joined Unicorn i made my mind that i will not depend on YEM for my bills. In that regard i give it five years to see if i can get some thing back because it was even very hard for me to get a 100 YEM before the decimal point was placed on. That alone told me that YEM won't be a joke but the most important digital currency that will make one stand tall in future. Am still counting my 5years, 2 are gone waiting for this to end i will count 3 and in the 2last one my daughter with God willing she will be heading to the university.
added by Anonymous 388 days ago 3    0

I am seeing that this program is so big and we need to be patient. We are still in the building stage just that we put our hopes up
added by Anonymous 427 days ago 4    0

According me who was lost hope in in last webinar are someone who doesn't have patience
added by Anonymous 430 days ago 3    0

No one lost hope unless they never understood the long term goals for the project...we are here until everything is ready... that is when yem is accepted as a medium of exchange all over the world
added by Anonymous 430 days ago 5    0

We have not lost hope at. All instead we have increased our hope as we are seeing that we are coming closer towards success of our project.
added by PAUL TUMWEBAZE 432 days ago 5    0

No we have not lost hope. We still have a lot of hope. We are slow but sure. Long live our projects. Things which grow so fast also die so fast. Ours will live for ever changing people's lives.
added by 1000993377 432 days ago 5    0

My "No" means "people should keep hope" because being hopeless can't change anything for the better. So, I suggest we continue our routine and do other things while keeping hope (at least force ourselves, too). Although it might be struggling or annoying, losing hope will make us feel even worse...Better to differentiate.
added by 1000002616 433 days ago 4    0

Laugh and the whole world laughs with you ~ Cry, and you cry alone.
added by Anonymous 434 days ago 9    0