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Of course everything is possible for government to do. They may decide to hide some issues from its citizenry.
added by 1001277811 295 days ago 1    0

Because the government must hide some information for security purposes
added by 1001271327 429 days ago 3    0

EXISTE vida extraterrestre. La NASA lo sabe, los Estados Unidos, China, Rusia y los Ingleses lo saben y han comprobado. Ahora, ellos piensan que el mundo NO ESTA PREPARADO para el reto que significa esta informacion, esta verdad. De hecho muchas RELIGIONES desaparecerian al reconocerse la existencia de vida inteligente fuera de nuestro planeta.
added by Marcial Nuñez Alonzo 470 days ago 3    0

People had secrets but its time to reveal every thing and we enjoy the world equally without majority and minority group. Let that kind of segregation in terms of wealthy, leadership, health and education end or streamlined for equal oportunies.every kind of egoist intention will come to an end. Nice time well being.
added by 1001098163 476 days ago 3    0

There has been a lot of talk about UFO's, aliens, extraterrestrials lately. What do you think, have our governments been hiding information about extraterrestrial life from us?
added by Anonymous 513 days ago 3    0

This is the right time for every hidden truth to be reaveled.
added by Anonymous 515 days ago 3    0

yeh soo true govment not tell us truth they always hide somthing with the help of media they dont want we a normal person dont now the truth behind the seen media always follow the protocall and they tell all lie

added by Anonymous 515 days ago 4    0

Do you think our governments have been hiding extraterrestrial life from us?

There has been a lot of talk about UFO's, aliens, extraterrestrials lately. What do you think, have our governments been hiding information about extraterrestrial life from us?

How do you vote?

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The only UFO's I know are the devil together with his fallen angels but other than that its a way to divert people
added by Anonymous 367 days ago 2    0