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Living in peace with each other is the best in life. This is because there is no benefit derived or gained in living in dispute.
added by 1001277811 295 days ago 2    0

Of course if we can forgive who wrong us they forgive us to we can always be in peace unless you don't live with people that's the only way you can believe that we can't be in peace in this thing called planet earth so I hope I'm communicating if I'm wrong please guide me and we see haaaa who dares me on my reply to your question thank you see you next time on a next question
added by Anonymous 444 days ago 2    0

Yes we can so long as we keep the spirit of love and care for one another
added by Anonymous 471 days ago 2    0

Yes. The moment we dedicate our selves to protection of environment and it's soroundsings
added by Anonymous 514 days ago 2    0

I don't understand history, but I believe that we are not the only creatures living on this planet and maybe there are other creatures that live on other planets.
added by 1001132212 515 days ago 2    0

Learning to respect each other coexistence with each other is the need of all people and we must live together side by side with each other regardless of the current technological advances
added by 1001132212 515 days ago 2    0

I think it's possible but will take a little longer before people get to appreciate each other and live together as brothers and sisters. Because these cabals built in us a spirit of hatred .
added by KENNEDY ATUKWASE 515 days ago 2    0

Yes if these evil elites have done much to destroy our planet but I know God will show them his power.
added by Anonymous 515 days ago 2    0

Do you think we can learn to live in peace on our planet?

What if the evil cabal was destroyed, which would mean all the hidden technology would be released to the world, we could save our planet, feed all the people, learn to love ourselves and each other, live meaningful lives helping each other to live even better lives. What do you think, can we all learn to live in peace with each other?

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